Studio Gaspo


Brand identity

Brand Messaging


Studio Gaspo is a laid-back interior design firm that specializes in creating spaces that are comfortable, modern, and anything but cookie-cutter. 


Create a brand identity that is just as modern and down-to-earth as the clients they are looking to attract. A design that is edgy, yet still very inviting.

Custom word mark

Behind the scenes

We were drawn to the harmony in the letters of GASPO and decided to get creative with type treatments for her logo. Starting with a basic font, we played around, tweaking letters until the entire word flowed together in a striking way.


The custom word mark boasts edginess with its sharp serifs and sleek line weight variations, yet maintains an approachable vibe through its wide-set, circular characters.

Given the highly collaborative and personalized nature of Jamie's client process, it was essential for her brand identity to mirror her personal approach.


Creative elements

We wanted to incorporate design elements that felt warm and inviting and terrazzo-inspired shapes seemed like the perfect fit.

Not only is terrazzo tile one of Jamie’s favorite interior design aesthetics, but their customizable nature in terms of color and size adds depth to her brand identity, making them a versatile and extensive addition.


We aimed to infuse her website design with the same sophisticated yet minimal essence reflected in her branding. Through subtle yet impactful functionality, bold typography, and a cohesive moody color palette, the website harmonizes seamlessly with the elevated aesthetic of Studio Gaspo.